• Designs

    A design protects the appearance of a product, which is given by its shape, patterns and colors, and shall meet two basic requirements:

    • novelty: the same visual appearance shall have not been already used;
    • individuality: the visual appearance shall feature a sufficient individual character.

    The duration of the protection is different from country to country.

    In Italy and in the European Union, a design is valid for five years and can be renewed every five years, up to a maximum of twenty-five years.

    With one application it is possible to request the protection for a plurality of objects belonging to the same class of products.

    A design can be registered:

    • at national level, through individual applications in the various countries and in compliance with individual national regulations;
    • at European Community level, through a single registration valid in all the countries of the European Union;
    • at international level, by means of a centralized filing, economically advantageous, based on an International Convention to which approximately 70 countries adhere.

    A design application can be extended abroad within six months as from its filing date.


    It is possible to use one application to register a complete collection formed of several different models.

    A design application can be extended abroad within 6 months from its filing date by claiming priority.

    In Italy and at the European community level, a design can be registered if it has not been previously disclosed since more than one year.

    Yes, the publication of an application can be deferred up to max. thirty months from its filing date or priority date.

  • Do you wish to protect your idea?

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